User Stories

ITEC 4230 Data Science and Analytics Project,
Anca Doloc-Mihu and Cengiz Gunay

(License: CC BY-SA 4.0)

Prev - Requirements in Agile, Next - Teamwork

User Stories in Agile

* The Agile process is driven by customer descriptions of what is required (user scenarios)

* Agile Planning begins with the creation of user stories

* User Stories are the central focus for developers

* User Stories are derived from user/client meeting and describe how the product will be used in very specific ways

* They are derived from user scenarios and tell WHO can do WHAT and WHY

* Analogous to functional requirements

* Act as guidelines on how to plan for testing the product

User Stories in Agile

* Agile team assesses each story and assigns a cost

* Stories are grouped for a deliverable increment

* Complexity of a user story is estimated in Story Points. Story points estimate the relative complexity of satisfying the requirement.

* Each user story should imply an acceptance test

* Coding: Recommends the construction of a unit test for a story before coding starts

* A commitment is made on a delivery date for all the stories of the deliverable increment

* User stories should be recorded in virtual or physical cards placed on the team's working board

Examples of User Story

Examples taken from

User Story might get history during the development

Initial Final

How to classify each story

  • Team must decide upon the criteria on which to classify each story.

  • Then, team must select a way to record the story using these criteria

Example: I.N.V.E.S.T.
I – independent, not requiring other features
N – negotiable, can be excluded, revised, etc
V – valuable, clearly contributing to product usefulness
E – estimable, reasonable development estimates can be made from the story
S – small, stories that are too big tend to be vague and miss some points
T – testable, stories need to have a means of verifying functionality

Developer points

* They are created from the user stories

* Should be discrete, codable, testable elements

* Usually implemented by one programmer, but can be pair-programming

* Can be used to collect ‘metrics’: how many points per week can a developer complete?

Daily Scrum
