Data Science and Analytics Project Resources

Version 0.1.1

Lectures and other resources for teaching and learning about software development

Final Phase - Dynamic Visualization


In the final phase of this semester, you will have these main deliverables:

  1. App Factory Demos to outside of class people (usually during a symposium on campus/online in the last week of semester)
  2. Final team technical presentation in class (during last week of classes)

Demo deliverables (due TBA):

Submit these on the forum post as a reply:

  1. Project flyer: description of functionality with screenshots; include a single letter-size (11"x8.5") page flyer in PNG format that has a screenshot or artwork and message to be the flash card for your product (see examples from previous semesters at )

  2. Intellectual property agreement signed by all team members and client (don't post on repo, put it on Reddit)

  3. App Factory Demo user testing survey draft - should be couple of questions specific to your project because I will give a second survey with generic questions (see example 1 and example 2)

  4. Provide a short screencast demoing your product live (prefer a screen recorder with voiceover rather than a hand-held camera). This will be a public video, don't show private information that you don't want to share. Upload it to Youtube and provide a link. (see examples from previous semesters at )

Final technical presentation (due TBA) and report submission (due TBA)

Post these on the forum:

  • In-class presentation file. In your presentation file, make sure to include links for the live product/download/etc if they apply. Make sure they are shareable! See below to see what goes into the presentation. If you don't want to post your presentation publicly, you can password-protect it. But don't forget to post that password.
  • Report, including signed agreement/license, screencast video (upload to Youtube and provide link), user testing results from App Factory. Report can be uploaded to your repo.

Emails that need to be sent out:

  • All project materials including final deployment to client - send an email to client and copy me that includes:
    • Your report
    • Instructions for your client to access the product and documentation
    • Signed agreement
  • Send me a separate email and tell me what your client and team can agree to make your Github repo public. It's beneficial for you to convert to public because it will show up in your public Github profile that the recruiters can see. Before making it public, make sure no secret API keys or passwords are kept in your files. If any of them are exposed, it's not sufficient to delete them as they will stay in the history. The keys and passwords need to be changed. Alternatively, you can decide to take over ownership into your own account. If you don't respond, I may delete your private repo from my Github organization after a while.

Final team technical class presentations contents

10 minutes max.

  1. Start with a quick update on:

    • Reminder about your project and motivation
    • Final versions and changes in code architecture, data model, and UI/UX design
    • Features implemented, recommendation for future features remaining
    • Focus on roles below and expand
  2. Then, focus on these roles:

    • Documentation: End-semester report for client and class (see below)
    • Deployment & testing:
      • Update of automated testing approach
      • Report code coverage of unit tests
      • User testing plan & survey
      • User testing results and actions taken
      • Final plan for public demo event(s)
    • Performance overview:
      • Past, current, and future sprint/iteration plans and rationale
      • Account of how much difficulty, how many user stories, and how many hours of work were done in past iterations.
      • What's the team's and members' individual velocity? What was the initial difficulty estimates and what did they turn out to be at the end? Explain how they ended up like that.
      • Based on current data, how do you plan to improve accuracy of your estimation in the future iterations? (change difficulties or over/under estimate hours for different members/technologies/tasks)
      • Show an iteration burndown chart
      • Any other relevant information

Final report contents

Must contain:

  • features implemented and remains to be done
  • known issues
  • project flyer (see above)
  • provide a short screencast demoing your product live (prefer a screen recorder with voiceover rather than a hand-held camera). Upload it to Youtube and provide a link. Here's an example.
  • team members introductions and selfie/group photo. Photo of client with brief bio.
  • testing coverage, methods, and results
  • usability testing and focus group survey results (see example survey)
  • where to find installation, developer, and user documentation
  • software usage license and intellectual property terms, including a signature page with all team members and client (example IP that includes two successive teams). For generating a license, you can use Creative Commons or Binpress.

Grading Criteria (20% of final grade)

Max Pts Grade item
130 Total student grade w/o bonus
155+ Total student grade w bonus

Team scores will be posted below. Individual grades will be submitted privately in the D2L grades section. They are calculated the same way as in Requirements Phase:

total individual grade = base grade + team score × individual effort percent

40 Base points 30 Individual effort multiplier 90 Team presentation/work
5 Presentation/demo contribution 10 Git commits 5 App Factory demo, flyer
10 Testing contribution 5 Process tool activity 5 Client email, deployment, repo decision
10 Coding contribution 5 Other comm 5 License, IP signed
10 Documentation contribution 10 Peer review 10 Iterations and User Stories updated
5 Signed IP document 10 Client satisfaction
10 User documentation and screencast
10 Base bonus 20%  bonus effort added
10 Code, developer, and install docs
5 Time logging may apply to some above 5 Features status
5 Participate at App Factory 10 Code testing (unit + system)
10 Burndown and team performance
5 Presentation and report submission
10 5 users testing and survey
10 Team bonus
Up-to-date/good README
User's choice winners
Last updated on 20 Dec 2020
Published on 23 Nov 2019
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